13 Days Kenya Tanzania Safari Tour

Samburu + Sweetwaters + rift valley lakes + Masai Mara + Serengeti + Ngorongoro + Lake manyara + Amboseli

From / to Nairobi - Kenya

A cross border Kenya & Tanzania adventure safari exploring  world famous  national parks & game reserves to view wildlife, encounter awesome scenery and experience cultural highlights of East Africa

This is an  East Africa road safari driving and sightseeing   in an easy paced journey allowing for maximum local  interactions,wildlife viewing   and scenic sightings.

Accommodation is provided  in a choice of  economy ,standard or luxury safari  lodges or tented camps.

We invite you to choose accommodation option best suited to tour budget & style.

Safari transport and game viewing drives are in  customized open top safari mini-van  in Kenya and in 4 x 4 jeep in Tanzania.

4 x 4 Land cruiser safari jeep -Kenya section can be provided at a supplementary cost.

Safari Highlights

  • 2 nights & days  Samburu game reserve –arid areas,unique wildlife,severe scenery
  • 1 night & day  at  Laikipia-Olpejeta sanctuary
  • 1 night & day at the Lake Nakuru national park.
  • 1 night & day at Lake Naivasha
  • 2 nights & days  at the Masai mara game reserve
  • 2 nights & days at the Serengeti game reserve
  • 1 night & day  at the Ngorongoro crater
  • 1 night & day  at the Lake Manyara national park
  • 1 night & day  at the Amboseli national park
  • awesome scenery along the safari route.
  • blend of local cultures and tribes people including the Masai, Samburu, Rendille etc.
  • elephant, oryx, giraffe, lion, ostrich, cheetah, warthog, flamingoes, pelicans, Buffalo and many more. 
  • optional Masai village visits –arrange with your driver guide)
  • optional hot air balloon ride _at either Masai Mara or Serengeti



Private safari tour

Safari itinerary

Day 1: Nairobi - Samburu Game reserve. 320 km: 6Hrs.

0730hrs: Pick up  from Nairobi airport or hotel

Take a   scenic route via the central highlands to the Samburu National Reserve in the semi arid northern frontier of Kenya

Samburu,Shaba and Buffalo springs game reserves are a place of endless skies, dust-red plains and palm-fringed rivers,

The reserves lie on the fringes of the vast and arid desert once known as the Northern Frontier District.

The combined  landscape of the Samburu game reserve features rocky battlements, craggy scarps, dry river beds and fallen boulders rising out of the thorn scrub against a backdrop of the far-distant hills and the great red table mountain known as Ololokwe..

Overnight at your Samburu safari lodge or tented camp

Meal Plan: Lunch, Dinner


What you may see at Samburu national park ..........

Oryx, Somali ostrich, Gerenuk, Grevy’s zebra, Elephants, Reticulated Giraffe, Warthog, Antelopes…



Day 2: Samburu Game Reserve.

Day spent at the Samburu game reserve with game viewing drives.
Game viewing is concentrated along the Ewaso Nyiro River, the lifeline of this semi desert environment.

You can explore further the adjacent Shaba & Buffalo springs reserves
Overnight at your Samburu lodge or tented camp.

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Day 3: Samburu Game Reserve -Sweetwaters. 140Km : 2.5 Hrs.

Game viewing drive at the Samburu.

Depart for the cooler  Mount Kenya / Laikipia region.
Afternoon game viewing drives at the Olpejeta wildlife sanctuary.

(activities shall be determined by your choice of accommodation)

Sweetwaters tented camp: Game viewing drives.

Mountain lodge: Game viewing from the tree lodge or optional nature activities.

Overnight at your mount Kenya safari lodge/ tented camp.

Meal plan: Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

What you may  see / do  at Mount Kenya national park ......

Elephants, tree hyrax, white tailed mongoose, Suni, Black fronted duiker, mole rat, bushbucks, and Elands

Rhino,chimpanzees etc at Sweetwaters.


Day 4: Sweetwaters -Lake Nakuru National park. 175Km : 3 Hrs

After breakfast, proceed  to the  Lake Nakuru National Park

Take  an afternoon bird and  game viewing drive before returning to the lodge in time for maybe a  swim, optional cocktail and dinner.

Entitled 'the greatest bird spectacle on earth' thanks to the millions of fuchsia-pink flamingo that flock to feed on the teeming algae of its alkaline waters, the pink-frosted shores and sky-mirrored waters of Lake Nakuru yield some of the most evocatively beautiful photo-images in Africa.

(Please note currently there are few flamingoes and sometimes none at all. This is because lake Nakuru water level has risen for quite sometime bringinging the salinity level down. Flamingoes feed on saline waters, and have hence migrated to neighboring saline lakes. The rapid increase in water level is as a result of global warming)

Kenya's first and largest rhino sanctuary, sightings of both black and white rhino are almost guaranteed, while plentiful waterbuck, warthog, zebra, gazelle and buffalo graze the shoreline.

Echoing to the haunting cries of the numerous fish eagles.

Overnight at your Lake Nakuru safari lodge/ Tented camp

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

What you may  see / do at Lake Nakuru national park ............

Flamingo, rhino,warthog,pelians 56 different mammal species, unique vegetation, waterbucks and terrestial birds numbering about 450 species.


Day 5:Lake Nakuru - Lake Naivasha. 90Km : 2 Hrs

Game and bird viewing drives at the Lake Nakuru

Proceed to the Lake Naivasha

Afternoon bike and hike to the hell’s gate national park

Overnight at your Lake Naivasha lodge / tented camp option

Meal Plan: Breakfast, lunch, dinner


Day 6:  Lake Naivasha - Masai Mara Game reserve. 240Km : 4-5 Hrs

Morning boat ride to explore Lake Naivasha and view hippos, birds and small game

Later proceed to the   Masai Mara Game Reserve

Late afternoon game viewing drive at the Mara.

The Mara makes the ideal hunting ground for Kenya's famous ‘big cats' and hosts her largest population of lions

It also offers the best chance of spotting a leopard in the wild.

Other predators include cheetah and spotted hyena.

The Masai Mara is famous for the large herds of elephant and buffalo that inhabit the plains; also for the pods of hippo that wallow in its muddy river beds.

Other animal species include the Masai giraffe, Topi, Hartebeest, Grant's and Thomson's gazelle, zebra, impala, dik-dik, bushbuck, waterbuck and red duiker.

The reserve also boasts plentiful crocodile, monitor lizard, baboon, vervet; blue and red-tailed monkeys, bush babies, and tree hyrax.

There are over 550 resident and migratory species of birds..

Overnight at your Masai Mara safari lodge or tented camp.

Meal Plan: Breakfast, lunch, dinner.


Day 7:  Masai Mara Game Reserve. 

Enjoy a full day game viewing drive at the Masai Mara with picnic lunch at the Mara river crossing

There are optional activities such as guided nature/bird-spotting walks or cultural visits to the local Masai homesteads.

Overnight at your Masai Mara safari  lodge or tented camp.

Meal Plan: Breakfast, lunch, dinner.


Day 8:Masai mara game reserve - Serengeti game reserve. 300Km : 6-7 Hrs with stops

Depart Masai Mara and proceed across the border in to Tanzania and the Serengeti game reserve.

The Serengeti game reserve shares the same boundary and is an extension of the Masai mara

Ideally the Masai mara is an extension of the Serengeti

It is well located for game viewing drives together with optional activities including balloon safari excursions and  guided nature / bird walks.

Afternoon game viewing drive at the Serengeti.

Overnight at your Serengeti safari lodge/ tented camp.

Meal plan: breakfast, lunch, dinner


Day 9: Serengeti Game reserve

A full day  game viewing drive as we explore this vast nature rich wildlife reserve.

Options of morning and afternoon or full day game viewing drives are available to you.

Serengeti  is also a pride of its lions  which have been fitted with radio-transmitter collars so that their movements may be tracked,.

Other wildlife includes cheetah, zebra, giraffe, Thomson's and Grant's gazelle, eland, impala, klipspringer, hippo and warthog.

Overnight at your Serengeti safari lodge or tented camp.

Meal Plan: breakfast, lunch, dinner.


Day 10: Serengeti game reserve-  Ngorongoro Crater. 200 Km: 3-4 Hrs

Depart the Serengeti and proceed to the Ngorongoro crater.

Descend to the crater floor for a day of game viewing in this natural wildlife habitat.

Picnic lunch at the crater floor.

Later ascend to the crater rim for your overnight.

The Ngorongoro Crater rim  offers the finest sunset and sunrise views.

Overnight at your Ngorongoro safari lodge or tented camp.

Meal Plan: Breakfast, lunch, dinner


Day 11: Ngorogoro crater-Lake Manyara National park. 70Km : 1.5 Hrs

After breakfast proceed to the Lake Manyara with a stop at the local market of Karatu.

Game and bird watching drives at the Lake manyara.

We may see the famous tree climbing lions unique to this park.

Overnight  at your Lake Manyara safari lodge or tented camp.

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.


Day 12: Lake Manyara- Amboseli National park. 300Km : 6Hrs

Proceed to the  Amboseli national park.

Border crossing and immigration formalities at  the Namanga border town .

Afternoon game viewing drive at the Amboseli National park with views of  Mount Kilimanjaro.

Amboseli is an international biosphere nature reserve featuring  dried-out lake bed,  rolling savannah and lush green swamps.

Amboseli  hosts various animal species including the Elephant ,Antelope, Spotted Hyena, Jackal, Warthog, Olive baboon, Vervet monkey......

The observation hill at Amboseli  park  is easily climbed and  offers stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Overnight at your Amboseli safari lodge or tented camp.

Meal plan: Breakfast, lunch, dinner

What you  may see at Amboseli national park ........

Elephant , Cheetah, Buffalo, Giraffe, Zebra, Lion, Plain game, crocodile, Mongoose, Hyrax, Lesser Kudu and birdlife features 600 species.


Day 13: Amboseli- Nairobi. 250Km : 4 Hrs

Early morning game viewing drive.

Later depart the Amboseli for Nairobi to arrive in the late afternoon

Transfer to your Nairobi hotel/  Nairobi airport  for your outbound flight

Meal Plan: Breakfast, lunch.


Below please select preferred economy,standard or luxury accommodation option depending on your safari  budget / style

Samburu game reserve:

Luxury lodge / tented camp option : Ashnil SamburuSamburu lodgeSamburu Simba LodgeSarova shaba

Standard lodge/ tented camp option :Samburu Sopa lodge 

Economy lodge/ tented camp option :  Sentrim Samburu camp



Luxury lodge / tented camp option : Mount Kenya safari club,

Standard lodge/ tented camp option : Serena Mountain Lodge Serena Sweetwaters camp

Economy lodge/ tented camp option :  Kongoni lodge


Lake Nakuru National park:

Luxury lodge / tented camp option : Sarova Lion hillLake Nakuru sopa lodgeFlamingo camp

Standard lodge/ tented camp option : Lake Nakuru Lodge 

Economy lodge/ tented camp option :   Lake Nakuru lodge


Masai Mara Game Reserve: 

Luxury lodge / tented camp option : Mara simba lodge Mara River Camp Mara sarova campMara serenaAshnil MaraKeekorok lodge   

Standard lodge/ tented camp option : Mara sopa LodgeMara Leisure camp Osero CampAA lodge/camp,

Economy lodge/ tented camp option : Elangata Olerai Camp, Olmoran tented campSentrim Mara camp


Lake Naivasha:

Luxury lodge / tented camp options :, Lake Naivasha sopa Lake Naivasha country club

Standard lodge/ tented camp option:  Elsamere Lodge   Lake  Naivasha sopa

Economy lodge/ tented camp option :   Naivasha Kongoni Lodge


Serengeti Game reserve:

Luxury lodge / tented camp option :Serengeti serena lodgeMbuzi Mawe Lodge Ole Serai Tented Camp

Standard lodge/ tented camp option :Serengeti katikaSerengeti sopa Lodge , Mbalageti Lodge

Economy lodge/ tented camp option : Seronera  Wildlife Lodge


Ngorongoro Crater:

Luxury lodge / tented camp option :Ngorongoro serena lodge Oldeani Mountain Lodge

Standard lodge/ tented camp option : Ngorongoro sopa 

Economy lodge/ tented camp option : Ngorongoro Wildlife lodge , Rhino Lodge



Luxury lodge / tented camp option :Manyara Serena lodge, Kilimamoja Lodge  Ngorongoro Farm house

Standard lodge/ tented camp option : Lake Manyara Wildlife Lodge , Maramboi Camp

Economy lodge/ tented camp option : Twiga camp  , Bougainvillea country lodge


Amboseli national park:

Luxury lodge / tented camp option : Oltukai lodgeAmboseli Serena lodge

Standard lodge/ tented camp option :Amboseli Sopa Lodge , Sentrim Amboseli , Kibo Safari Camp

Economy lodge/ tented camp option :AA Lodge/camp


Safari price is per  person sharing in  private open top safari minivan  (in Kenya), in 4 x4 land cruiser(  Tanzania) and in a double/twin room / tent.


 High  season - March + Nov + Dec upto 19th Luxury Standard  Economy
2 persons booked together: per person: $ 5290 $ 4890 $ 4545

4 persons booked together: per person:

$ 4225 $ 3825 $ 3480
6 persons booked together: per person: $ 3860 $ 3460 $ 3115
Single room supplement $ 790 $ 505 $ 530
Children below 3 Years Free    
Children between 12-18 years 90% of adult rate:      
Children between 3-11 years 75% of adult rate:      


 Peak Season - Jan + Feb + Jun to October + from 21st Dec Luxury Standard Economy
2 persons booked together: per person: $ 6010 $ 5245 $ 4775
4 persons booked together: per person: $ 4945 $ 4175 $ 3710
6 persons booked together: per person: $ 4580 $ 3810 $ 3345
Single room supplement $ 1040 $ 510 $ 525
June discount $ 770 $ 300 $ 125
January + February discount $ 415 $ 105 $ 25
Children below 3 Years Free    
Children between 12-18 years 90% of adult rate:      
Children between 3-11 years 75% of adult rate:      



 Low season: April + May Luxury Standard Economy
2 persons booked together: per person: $ 4535 $ 4325 $ 4260
4 persons booked together: per person: $ 3470 $ 3260 $ 3190
6 persons booked together: per person: $ 3100 $ 2890 $ 2825
Single room supplement  105 45  70
Children below 3 Years Free    
Children between 12-18 years 90% of adult rate:      
Children between 3-11 years 75% of adult rate:      


 X-mas extra 21st dec-3rd jan:per person  per day          $ 65 $ 45 $35


4 x 4 Land cruiser (jeep) Supplement:
Kenya section
2 pax per person: $ 330
4 pax per person: $ 165
6 pax per person: $ 110


Safari price includes:
Nairobi airport courtesy transfers: 
Tour in a customized pop up top Toyota safari mini-van in Kenya.
4 x4 Landcruiser Jeep in Tanzania:.
Services of English / other language speaking  driver/ guides.
Accommodation at economy, standard or luxury safari lodges/ tented camps
Park entrance fees.
All meals on safari.
Bottled drinking water in safari vehicle.
The flying doctors medical, emergency and rescue cover.
Pick up /drop off Nairobi airport / Nairobi hotel


Not included
Other bottled drinks.
Items and services of a personal nature.
Packing items on safari.
Tips or gratuities
International Flights.