Student & Youth Fares

For International Student ID card holders (young people up to 25 and students up to 33 years), we have special flight tickets with major international airlines. The tickets are a must for the traveling student.

The tickets are cheap, flexible and ideal for a longer journeys, study abroad or a foreign internships.

And most importantly, youth and student tickets are often cheaper than regular tickets with similar conditions and benefits. Youth and students tickets offer better combinations compared to regular tickets, which are often subject to strict rules.

Here's a few benefits of youth and student tickets:

  • Validity of 12 months or even longer
  • Flexibility to change your travel dates
  • Cheap or free stopovers on the route
  • Cheaper one-way tickets campared to regular tickets
  • Advanced single journey combinations

Stopovers and more

A stopover is typically just about spending time in an airport while you wait for your next flight to depart. Depending on the ticket and the airline, you can often make an extended stop over (several days or weeks) for free or for a small fee. Popular stopovers include: Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Miami and New York. Stopovers are not bookable online, so please contact us if you would like to spice up your journey with an extended stopover.

With an ISIC you get access to youth & student ticketsThe ISIC card: Better options

The ISIC (International Student Identity Card) allows you to book our youth and student flight tickets as well as most of the round the world examples on our website. At the same time it is an official student ID card and you get access to benefits and discounts in close to 120,000 locations in 125 countries.