Meetings & Events

We offer a comprehensive range of service catering to all types of Meetings and Events. From Group travel, Incentive Groups, Corporate events & seminars, Road shows, Meetings and Conferences, Team-building events, Gala dinners, Parties and Celebrations.

Our Meetings, Incentive, Conference and Events department assists our clients in:

  • Optimizing Savings
  • Improving Services
  • Increasing Control
  • Enriching Attendee Experiences
  • Achieving Organizational Strategic Objectives.
  • Motivate employees through Team building activities
  • Sourcing for gifts / awards for our clients

The service Configuration is aimed at:

  • Professionalize Meeting Planning & Execution
  • Increase Unique Corporate Incentive experiences
  • Strategically Source for Suppliers
  • Provide accurate reporting on meetings & events